Friday, June 8, 2012

I Promised

Since my friend Lauren  gave me the "Versatile Blogger Award", I  promised her i would write 7 random things about myself and post them on my blog.  So here goes:

1.  I love the color green so much that several rooms in my home are painted various shades of green.
2.  I love cats.
3.  I've wanted to adopt ever since i was five years old.
4.  My favorite ice cream flavor is Rocky Road.
5.  I have flat feet.
6.  I love hiking in the mountains.
7.  I love watermelon.

There!  Done!  


  1. Aww, thanks Mrs. Hoium! :)
    I like your 7 random things! I like green a lot too, and I like cats...kittens the most!

  2. It’s always for to learn more about each other.
    That header picture is so adorable!!
