Saturday, January 8, 2011

Help To Enlarge His Kingdom

"That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,
May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.  Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us." Ephesians 3:17-20 

Child 12B is an active nearly 4 year old boy who is diagnosed with esotropia of both eyes which was correctable and postoperative hemangioma at the hind-brain.  He is described as energetic, talkative, and fairly extraverted.  He is fond of imitating, playing with toys, listening to music, singing, and playing games.  This child is no longer available through Hand in Hand.

Child 12C is a nearly 2 year old little boy who is quiet and has a ready smile.  He has postoperative cleft lip, cleft palate, and growth development delay.  He is active and is able to roll over, crawl, sit alone, stand up and take steps while holding onto handrails. He likes toys with blinking lights. He likes clapping a ball. He also waves hands and feet when he is happy.  This child is no longer available through Hand in Hand.

Boy 119A – This 2 ½ -year-old boy has deformities of both lower legs as well as missing toes on one foot. He is handsome, obedient, fond of climbing up and down on his bedrails, loves to watch TV or play games with his favorite caretaker, likes music and playing with cars. 
This child is no longer available through Hand in Hand.

Boy 119B – This 3-year-old boy is post-operative for congenital heart disease (VSD, PDA, PFO).  Per a report that is six months old, he is cooperative with the staff, will babble when playing with toys, calls his mama, claps his chest when listening to mama (meaning his mother is in his heart) and likes to play with balls and toys that make sounds or music.
This child is no longer available through Hand in Hand.

I have always believed in adoption.  No so long ago I wrote, 
"When I was just five years old, I knew in my heart and spirit that someday I would adopt a baby.  The very idea of it captured the essence of my being.  For me, even at this tender age, the thought of adoption felt as natural as breathing.  As I reflect back to that point in my history I know unwaveringly that God was guiding my every step to fulfill my place in motherhood.  God had a child for me whom he selected even before the foundations of the earth, planting the seed of truth of her existence within my heart at a young age – to guard within my spirit her imminent eventuality and rightful place in this world - I as her mother and she as my daughter."

In sharing this, I must say that I have not always been for international adoption.  There was a time in my life that due to my inability to recognize the scope of God's Plan for His people, I could not see how far His Hand does stretch, for in Isaiah 43:6 God instructs us to "bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth."

As a natural result of the direction God is taking my family in, I can say with certainty when God places a burden on our hearts to go even to the ends of the earth to find those little ones we were always meant to love, then let us go.  Let us do it without hesitation.  For some, that might be in the form of private domestic adoptions or securing a place in our families for our nation's foster children, or traveling to the four corners of the world. 

International adoption is very expensive.  I have spoken to some people of wealth, and they will be the first  to point out the great expense, indicating ever so subtly that adopting a child who costs that much is not considered by them a good investment.  In all my reading, what I keep finding is this - God is calling the people of little or no financial means to adopt our world's orphans and provide them a safe and loving home.  Even though the initial cost of an international adoption is daunting, God's people must recognize in this late hour that whatever He calls us to do we must do. 

The faces of the little children at the very beginning of this post represent millions of children all over the world who have no families to call their own.  As you study their little faces, if any of them tug on your heart strings or if there is someone you know who God is showing you that needs to see these pictures, then by all means share them.  For more information on international adoption call Vickie Truelove at Hand in Hand International Adoptions at
260-636-3566.  Vickie will be sure to answer with patience and kindness any and all of your questions regarding adoption and the steps involved.   

May God richly bless you today!

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