"...Let us run with patience the race that is set before us," Hebrews 12:1
This sounds like an oxymoron, to run the race patiently. And it does feel like a race we're in - a race against time to secure Mei Mei's freedom. As one mother put it while waiting to bring her child home from overseas, "you feel like your child is being held for ransom".
Basically, when the Lord showed us His plan for including Mei in our family, He didn't spell out how we were to go about securing the necessary funds, only that He would "make a way". I often counseled people in the past with these words, "Do the footwork, and God will do the rest." Today, these same words ring more true than ever for us personally as we are certain that when God told us He would make a way, He didn't mean for us to sit back on the couch and wait for it to happen. Rather, we are to do the footwork so that He can do the rest.
With every step on our adoption journey, it is our prayerful desire to do as the Lord instructs. And to always give Him the full glory. Because we never planned for a second adoption, we do not have set aside an adoption fund. Quite the contrary, I left my full-time position last year so that I could work around Sonya's home school schedule. Consequently we have learned to get by on less. I am gaining a better appreciation for the saying, "less is more". God has indeed made our money stretch. Thank you, God, for always providing for our needs!
As of right now, we are patiently waiting for the completion of our home study. The completed home study is key when applying for adoption grants. Without that document, an adoptive family has no way of seeking financial assistance to offset the cost of an international adoption, unless by way of a home equity loan, for instance.
Our plan is to apply for adoption grants as soon as possible. We are also in the process of organizing a gigantic fundraising rummage sale in the Spring of this year, and we pray it will bring in much revenue. Randy and I have even contemplated applying for adoption loans as a last resort. We do not like the idea of saddling ourselves with debt, however, as we do not believe it is the Lord's will for us to do so. It was the Lord who moved on my heart in the first place to quit my job last year in order that I home school Sonya, so it seems unlikely that it is now His desire that we adopt another child and I go back to work because of adoption debt. Our plan, then, is to home school both girls once Mei Mei is home and I continue to seek gainful employment around their home school schedule.
In addition to applying for grants and having a gargantuan rummage sale this Spring, we will also be adding a donation button to this website once we receive approval from LIfesong for Orphans, a non-profit 501c3 agency whose mission is "bringing joy and purpose to orphans". Lifesong's purpose is to provide a ways and means for adoptive families to receive financial support from family and friends while providing donors a means of securing a tax deduction. Once Lifesong receives donations on our behalf through monies being sent directly to their paypal account, these funds are immediately used for the express purpose of paying down the adoption fees to our adoption agency - Hand in Hand. We never ourselves handle any of the donations, but they will always be used on our behalf.
With that being said, I would ask that you prayerfully consider helping us out financially if that is the Lord's leading on your heart. Never would we want to ask for donations from anyone who felt coerced or put out in any way. The only time giving works is when it is given from the heart. Truthfully, that is the only kind of giving we care to receive. Otherwise, we will be so grateful for your prayers on our family's behalf. As we have learned as of most recent, corporate prayer by the Body of Believers in accordance with God's Will is indeed powerful beyond measure and life-changing!
"...Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith." Hebrews 12:1-2
Can it get any better than that?! Keep your eyes on the prize, people. Keep your eyes on Jesus!
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