Friday, October 14, 2011

No Greater Joy Mom: let's help a family!

Hi Everyone!

I feel motivated to share this blog post with you because in it you get to learn of many families who are adopting children all over the world and who need help to do it. Recently, some friends  who are also adopting shared with me that on occasion people will actually approach them and either imply or actually come right out and ask  them something like, "Why are you spending so much money on just one child? Do you really feel you are making a difference?"

Wow! I am soooo glad Jesus did not have the attitude that one life isn't worth it! He died for me. He died for you. He died for our neighbor, sister, brother and even for those who hate us. Each of us individually He died for. It's not a "group thing" with Jesus.

I also would like to add that often times, adoptive families go through much scrutiny by family, friends and the public for their decision to adopt, or i should say their decision to obey the call of the Lord and adopt. But these same people who find fault would never ever consider going up to their neighbor, friend or stranger on the street and imply or say something like, "Wow! I can't believe you just spent $40,000.00 on that car! It's only one car! And it's a gas guzzler on top of it!"

I want to convey to all of you right now just how appreciative I am that none of you have ever questioned my family in such an insensitive way. Instead, we've received an outpouring of love, compassion and empathy from you, and for that we are forever grateful! So, thank you for just being you, and understanding that when Jesus calls us to something, not only should we obey the call, but we should applaud and support one another in it.

No Greater Joy Mom: let's help a family!


  1. Thank you for that post! We are just doing what we are called to do as Christians - other's serve in different capacities, and I respect that, highly respect that. No one is to be judged - we are not here to judge, nor are we qualified.

  2. It’s sad that some one would have that attitude!!!
