I had the opportunity to book our flights today. The final cost for air line tickets, including taxes, ended up being $1,100.00 more than my absolutely highest projection. Sonya's was $800.00 more than anticipated and Cassie's $300.00 more.
And I will be booking a hotel tomorrow. Say a prayer for me, will ya? We would really love to stay on Shamian Island at the new Victory Hotel. It's supposed to be very nice yet affordable. I am not booking a room on my own but going through a travel agency (the same one we used for our flights) whom Hand in Hand recommends. It's a little more expensive this way, but if we were to go it alone, we'd also have to make all of our own in-country travel arrangements on our own as well, and having a guide come and pick us up every single day and take us wherever we need to go during our two week stay in China while spending time with our two little girls together and getting to know eachother as a family will be money well spent.
Two things to keep in mind, we are still selling Sonya's art treasures if you are interested and we now actually have until December 9th to raise the rest of the money for the $5,000.00 matching grant through God's Grace Adoption Ministry! Details concerning our matching grant can be found at the top of our side bar underneathe the picture of Cassie Mei holding her panda bear we sent her for her birthday.
I received an email today from a woman whom I've never met. She heard about our blog through a friend, has taken an interest in our journey to Mei Mei and is now donating some money for four of Sonya's art prints, and because she lives in town, we can deliver them to her home directly. Praise the Lord for the angels He sends our way!
So many of you have been a constant source of support throughout this seemingly looong process, and i am grateful to all of you beyond words. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. I thank you! My family thanks you, and some day Cassie will be given an opportunity to thank many of you in person!
One last thing, the latest figures for Sonya's fundraisers are as follows: $500.00 towards her own airline ticket and $740.00 towards her sisters! Initially Sonya's airline ticket was supposed to cost only $500.00, but it actually ended up costing $1,300.00. So the girls' two tickets together ended up at $2,600.00, and Sonya has managed to raise $1,240.00 of it! "Good job, Sonya! You rock!" And of course, we didn't do any of it without Jesus!
I am so proud of Sonya , she is wise beyond her years ...Oh the excitment must be an amazing feeling , one that only the 3 of you can truly claim ! Praying for the rest of your plans with Hotel bookings will go smoothly and in your favor ! God Bless you my friends {{{hugs}}} With love ....